I enjoyed having to deeply think through this unit which I’ve taught before. It was definitely a struggle for me, specifically deciding if something belonged under “understanding, “knowledge,” “skills,” etc. I felt that I was often repeating myself, not knowing if I was correct. It was also difficult using a pre-existing unit. I think it would have been easier and more fun using UbD to create a new unit—something I have yet to teach. I also felt guilty including text book reading and note taking in the planned activities (so I didn’t!), but now think that it would have been okay to do that as long as it would be geared toward the planned assessments, essential questions, and understandings.
I preferred the Word format because it felt more guided and structured. I was a little confused, however, when having to identify role, situation, etc. The students’ roles change slightly from class period to class period since this was a plan for a whole unit, and not just one 45 minute class period. I tried to be broad and on-topic as best I could during this part.
Additional Questions:
Is the Performance supposed to be a culminating activity? Were the planned activities supposed to be more specific—as if another teacher is supposed to be able to interpret and use this lesson plan? Should I have been more specific—including every single worksheet, reading, activity, etc in the format? Is it better to use this format when planning a unit or daily lessons?
UbD is a really interesting way to plan curriculum. In talking to some colleagues, many of them seemed familiar with the idea but have not used it in the classroom. One of them asked, “is that the method for teaching to the test?”
I think you did a great job utilizing a pre-existing lesson and incorporating it into this backward design template. I like the idea of the kids being "oxygen" and playing that role in order to fully grasp the concept.
I also concurr with many of your questions. I felt like I was repeating myself often and also was wondering if this template was best for a lesson or an entire unit. I felt a little lost too with what "role" meant, etc. I also felt like I took WAY too long to complete the lesson because I kept questioning whether the activities were supporting the overarching concept.
ps - how did you post your lesson like that? I spent so much time formatting mine into word, then posted it on the blog only to discover I had to reformat it!!
I hear you on the repetition piece; we'll address this more in class tomorrow. Nice job.
I was determined to post my template as is-- with the table format and all. I was so frustrated that I couldn't upload it as an attachment, and copying and pasting turned it into list form. SO I simply printed the pages, scanned them in, and then uploaded them as pictures.
very good lesson. it had depth and good activities. also, if you would like more activities let me know because i am health certified and have a huge variety of them.
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