Monday, October 13, 2008

More about Did You Know

I forgot to mention that my superintendent showed Fisch's video to district-wide staff at our welcome back meeting of 2007. Looking back, I'm glad that he showed this to open our minds, but I wish he used it more productively, like we are now in this course, to decide what this means for education and what we are to do about it. My district uses a lot of technology. We have many PD hours every year about technology, and we are expected to use it daily. But I remember sitting among my colleagues thinking, what else? Is there more that we need to do?


Barry Bachenheimer said...

I think if the video is shown w/o conversation, the main points are lost. It is nothing more than a fear tactic. It is far more than that; it is a conversation starter.

Erica's Blog said...

That's exactly how the teachers felt-- fearful. We were "talked at" about this shift, but then moved about our normal every day teaching routines. I guess I won't tell you what district I'm in! :)